In high-stakes conflict situations, cooperation and single-minded adherence to command are vital. You need to know that you can count on those around you to follow the script. Going your own way is a last, rather than a first, resort. When pursuing a job or career development, however, there is no one-size-fits-all prescription. You need to find an approach that works for you. Knowing about your Myers-Briggs® personality type can help. Type theory recognizes that there are many different personal styles and thus many different ways of being effective.
One example of these style differences involves your preferred mode of taking in information—Sensing or Intuition. Understanding this and starting with the information most meaningful to you should help you narrow your search for a new job or career development opportunity.
What does it look like when people with these two different styles are investigating career options or job openings? In reading an online posting, for example, those who prefer Sensing are more likely to focus on the facts, specifics, and details contained in the posting. They want to learn about the daily realities of the job, its essential demands, and how well it fits their particular experience and skill set. Those who prefer Intuition are more likely to be interested in the possibilities, options, and themes suggested by the posting. They want to learn about how the job could offer opportunities to use their imagination, explore cutting-edge ideas, or innovate.
Searching for a new job or career after service can feel overwhelming. Using the Myers-Briggs assessment to help you systematically approach opportunities can bring a sense of order and clarity to the process. Knowing your preference for Sensing or Intuition can help you target your search to better suit your needs, interests, and skills.
Elizabeth and Katherine Hirsh are coauthors of several publications, including Introduction to Type® and Teams, MBTI® Teambuilding Program: Leader’s Resource Guide, Introduction to Type® and Decision Making, and the MBTI® Decision-Making Style Report.